House Rules for ROTARY Number for Life Toonie Draw
1. You can register and get your number(s) by contacting Hubert Chiasson @ (902)862-8894 or by filling out a registration card at one of the vendor locations.
2. To play after being registered, take a yellow sticker from the counter display at the vendor locations, clearly write your “Number for Life” on the sticker, put the sticker on the center of the toonie, and deposit it into the blue contest box. You must play for a chance to win.
3. Want to pay in advance? Pre-pay envelopes are available at all vendor locations.
4. The toonies and envelopes are kept in a locked heavy duty blue box which is chained on the counter at each vendor location.
5. All players must be 19 years of age or older.
6. Toonies and envelopes are collected by a Rotarian every week after 6:00 pm on Monday.
7. The Count (inputting of money collected) takes place every Tuesday at 4:30 pm at the Pensioners’ Hall on Plummer Avenue.
8. The draw will take place every Wednesday at around 12 noon at Pharmasave drug store. Numbered poker chips are kept in a drum which is locked and attached to a table in the pharmacy of the drug store. The winner will be contacted and the winner will be posted at all vendor locations. If for some reason (weather?) the draw can’t be made at this time, the draw will happen on the next available day.
9. The draw will be live on Facebook whenever possible.
10. Your “Number for Life” is yours until you no longer wish to play or it has been inactive for over six months. Get in touch with Hubert Chiasson or one of the Rotarians if you no longer wish to play.
11. If a number is drawn and that number has not been played that week, the prize rolls over to the next week. There will be a maximum of three consecutive rollovers.
12. In case of discrepancy, the Rotary Club’s records of the winner are final.
The vendor locations are:
➢ Bargain Basket, King Street, New Waterford, NS
➢ FAST Fuels, 3425 Emerald Street, New Waterford, NS
➢ Fraser’s Variety, 3245 Plummer Avenue, New Waterford, NS
➢ Lawton’s Drugs, 3415 Plummer Avenue, New Waterford, NS
➢ Needs Convenience, 3493 Emerald Street, New Waterford, NS